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Guzmán-Alcón, I. (2022). Language attitudes and third language writing in a multilingual

educational context. Language Value, 15 (1), 30-51


Guzmán-Alcón, I. (2022). Exploring teachers' role and student's perceptions of learning in CLIL. In S.Gala-Pellicer (Eds.), Innovación educativa aplicada a la enseñanza de la lengua (pp.93-109). Dykinson​​​


Guzmán-Alcón, I; & Portolés, L .(2021). In-service teachers’ language attitudes in the Valencian educational system: theeffect of the school language programme and the L1. Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia, 71, 121-46, DOI:10.7203/Caplletra.71.21034


Guzmán-Alcón, I. (2019). Investigating the Application of Communicative Language Teaching Principles in Primary-Education: A Comparison of CLIL and FL Classrooms. English Language Teaching, 12( 2), 88 - 99. DOI: 10.5539/elt.v12n2p88




Guzmán-Alcón, I. (2019). Teachers’ language use and attitudes towards multilingual education in primary education. Lenguaje y Textos, 50, 107-111.


 Published in national and international journals

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